In 2020, Annual Reviews published 1,158 review articles across 51 journals in the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences. In addition, we curated six interdisciplinary article collections highlighting research relevant to challenging worldwide events. Which impactful articles were downloaded the most during 2020? Explore this collection to learn about the ten most downloaded articles during the year, and the ten most downloaded articles from volumes that published in 2020.
Diverse topics featured in this interdisciplinary collection include the science behind novel coronaviruses, the applications of machine learning, gender and racial health equity, social theory application, and ethics in economics.
These articles are freely available to download and share with your colleagues, and are always available through subscribing institutions.
Top downloaded articles in 2020 include:
Structure, Function, and Evolution of Coronavirus Spike Proteins
Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting
Seasonality of Respiratory Viral Infections
Human Coronavirus: Host-Pathogen Interaction
Top downloaded articles from 2020 volumes include:
Economics with a Moral Compass? Welfare Economics: Past, Present, and Future
Statistical Mechanics of Deep Learning
Implicit Social Cognition
Public Health and Online Misinformation: Challenges and Recommendations