

Effects of the Pandemic on the Developing Child

Effects of the Pandemic on the Developing Child

Over the past year, children have dealt with social distancing, Zoom school and family stress. The lucky ones suffered mainly boredom and loneliness; others faced illness, family poverty and hunger, loss of education, or unsafe conditions and abuse. Researchers have...

Catching Up with Credo April 2021

Catching Up with Credo April 2021

WHAT'S NEW The Credo Blog Happy spring! Last month, we learned more about educational technology, including eight reasons students need technology in the classroom and three things you should consider before investing in online learning tech. In addition, we found...

Check Out Your New & Improved Today’s Science

Check Out Your New & Improved Today’s Science

We are delighted to announce that today marks the official relaunch of Today’s Science. We encourage you to visit the new site and start exploring! The fully responsive design, more intuitive navigation, easier access to key content, larger images, and other exciting...

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