Scientific research services

Training, Marketing and Support

Training services for the company's internal teams, internal marketing and customer service.
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Training sessions

We provide training to our clients’ internal teams.

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Customer service

We offer assistance in English adapted to your reality.

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Support and materials for internal marketing actions aimed at raising awareness of resources.

Training for Internal Teams

Serviço Treinamento

We offer research services by training our client’s internal teams to become familiar with the tools and actively use them, accelerating learning and engagement.

Our training courses are tailored to your company and provide a range of benefits:

  • Productivity: Ease of use of the tools and obtaining the most important information in the shortest possible time.
  • Engagement and motivation: We present the benefits to professionals and how simple and fast it can be to obtain information that seems difficult to obtain.
  • Process improvement: Our trainers help to simplify processes by sharing the best practices in the market.
  • Customization/consulting: As customized training courses, our trainers help clients adapt market best practices to the company’s internal structure and processes.
  • Security and credibility: Our training courses help users trust the content they get for their internal work. Using the best content also protects the reputation of the professional and the company.

Customer Service and Support 

We offer research services through support in English to customers in various situations to expedite the solution of doubts or difficulties in the use of tools, obtaining information, contact with publishers, all customized to your innovation process and your reality.

Apoio e Suporte

Internal Marketing

Serviço Treinamento

ITMS provides support and materials for internal marketing actions to make available resources known, thus maximizing engagement.

Our research services in the form of marketing support also facilitate external communication, promoting the valorization and strengthening of the brand in the market.

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Stay ahead—connect with the technology of tomorrow.

Scientific content and e-books from the world’s leading scientific publishers will bring all these benefits to the quality, innovation, and new product development areas of your company or your teaching and research institution.

Our Passion for Scientific Content

Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. Register for ITMS Group Insights, which provides insight into research and libraries.

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