Technology for libraries
Educational Library Technology

Technology for libraries with multimedia resources
Libraries and educational centers must use traditional bibliographic media, appropriate multimedia resources, and web services and provide automation systems to devise strategies that combine traditional techniques with new methods, services, and products.
ITMS Group Technology for Libraries and Education Centers
Find out which ITMS Group publishers or technologies are relevant to Libraries and Educational Institutions:
AV2s World Languages
Children's books with high quality images and easy language learning for children
AV2's World Languages High-Quality Books
Each title Includes Access to 12 E-Books in 12 different languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic ...
BestMARC Precise Bibliographic Records
We help any information unit to process, maintain, unify and record biblio...
Anti-plagiarism software most widely used in countries such as France, Italy, etc.
Compilatio Plagiarism Prevention & Detection
Personalized monitoring and educational resources for the prevention and detection of plagiarism ...
ITMS Analytics
The only business intelligence platform specialized in generating accurate analyses for libraries.
ITMS Analytics Data Management
Associative business intelligence tools to analyze and systematize the generation of information...
K-Boom 12
An initiative by ITMS Group & Partners, for schools to respond innovatively to the challenges facing education.
K-Boom 12 Innovation for Education
Contributing to the development of indispensable knowledge in an increasingly dynamic society...
Integrated Searches for a solution that integrates library research into a single platform.
Lib.Steps Unique Discoverer
Lib.Steps is a real-time search tool that integrates all information services into a single portal...
Produces and markets innovative coated digital and self-adhesive printing media worldwide.
Neschen, Preservation and Restoration of Documents
Innovative products for protecting and repairing books are used all over the world by many libraries and institutions...
Pergamum ILS
The most widely used integrated library system in Latin America, by more than 600 institutions.
Pergamum Library Solutions
The main functions of the library in an integrated way, facilitating information management centers...
Manage user authentication and access to any type of subscribed content, archived...
Accessum Single sign-on
Analytics ACCESSUM Proxy is an easy-to-use SAML 2.0-compliant authentication gateway that provides...
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